Under the framework of the Direct Protection of Fan Violence project, CHC observers monitored the games of the 13th Round of the Croatian Telecom First CFL, and based on direct insight and collected data recorded the following events.

The game between Hajduk – Dinamo was played at Poljud Stadium in Split on 22.10.2017 with a turnout of 25,000 spectators, of which about 7000 were members of Torcida (HNK Hajduk fan club) on the northern stands, and about 500 members of the BBB (GNK Dinamo fan club) on the south.
Torcida: Managed to bring in a sizeable amount of pyrotechnical devices and put on a huge pyrotechnical show before and during the game.
In the 13th minute, Torcida chants “Purger pussies”, and from the 16th – 21st minute sing “I hate Dinamo, that Serbian name”, and “Stomp on Purgers” in the 22nd.
In the 23rd minute: “Blažević Ivan” – in honour of their colleague who was killed and the only one charged with the attack on football referee Marić in Split.
From the 30th – 32nd minute, Torcida sings “Kill the Purgers”, while half-time finishes with the chanting of “…And Purgers and Rijeka, with fists and feet and bottles and beams, all for our Hajduk.”
In the 64th minute, Torcida displays a large banner with football personalities and public figures lined up as a football team with the intention of stigmatising them, along with a banner stating “Criminally bad given the team”, and chanting at the same time “CFF faggots, you screwed up football”.
The “team” members were: Marić (Bruno – football referee), Bebek (football referee), Šuker (Davor – President of the Croatian Football Federation), Hanžeković (Marijan – Zagreb attorney), Bandić (Milan – Mayor of Zagreb), Turudić (Ivan – President of the Zagreb County Court), Sloković (Jadranka – Zagreb attorney), Prodanović (Čedo – Zagreb attorney), Kitarović (Kolinda –President of the Republic of Croatia), Vrbanović (Damir – CFF Secretary), Borovec (Krunoslav – Head of the Police Directorate of the Republic of Croatia).
Reserve Team: Zorko (Mario – Editor in Chief of Sportske Novosti from Zagreb), Kustić (Mario – former Vice-President of the CFF, froze his function due to the conflict of being a parliamentary representative), Horvatinčić (Tomislav – businessman from Zagreb – freed of charges against him for causing the death of a married couple of tourists), Lesički (Alen – journalist spokesperson for Dinamo), Čačić (Ante – until recently the Selector of the Croatian National Team), Čičak (Ivan Zvonimir – President of the Croatian Helsinki Committee / CHC/), Reić (Zdravko – journalist for Slobodna Dalmacija and Jutarnji List).
While lighting flares, Torcida sings a song for about 10 minutes: “Oy Zdravko, Zdravko (Mamić) you Gypsy, whoever kills you is a hero”.

In the 72nd minute we note chants alternating between Torcida and the fans on the eastern stands, as well as the singing of the old communist tune “Tall Smokestacks”. Torcida fans situated on the northern stands initiate the singing of “Tall smokestacks”, while the fans on the eastern stands respond with “I set ablaze”. The north (Torcida) sings “two rows of coke”, the east – “four rows of Purgers” etc., followed by “the Purger screams aaaaaa, there’ll be burning, and I’ll be rejoicing”.
In the 75th minute Torcida sings “Ooooo fuck you Dinamo”, and in the 80th “Croatian Police, bribery and corruption”. In the 88th minute after receiving a goal, Torcida insults their opponents by chanting “Gypsies, Gypsies”, and wraps up the game in the final minute with the chanting of “Kill the Purgers”, which they continue after the game as well.

Pyrotechnics: Before the start of the game Torcida lights a large number of flares, and sets off two bomb explosions in the 5th minute. In the 11th and 21st minute they light 1 smoke flare and 1 signal flare.
In the 24th minute they activate 1 bomb explosion, and in the 39th light 5 flares, 2 bengal flares, and another bomb explosion.
In the 54th minute they light 1 smoke flare, and a bengal flare in the 66th minute.
In the 67th minute they light 23 bengal flares, in the 68th 18 bengal flares and 1 bomb explosion, and in the 69th minute 10 bengal flares.
Dozens of lit bengal flares are thrown onto the tartan track, and several fall onto the playing field as well.
In the 70th minute, 2 bengal flares are lit, in the 71st 2 more, in the 75th 2 more, in the 76th 2 more, and in the 85th 1 more bengal flare.

Bad Blue Boys (BBB)
In the 31st minute the BBB chant “Tito’s party Hajduk’s army”, followed by the offensive chanting of “Tovar pussies”, then in the 32nd minute “Kill the Tovars”, and “Tovar pussies” in the 33rd.
In the 34th minute, the BBB sing “I have syphilis, I have AIDS, I have no condom, and I fuck Torcida”.
In the 35th minute they chant “Tovar pussies”, and in the 44th “Mamić, Gypsy, leave the holy shrine”, followed by “Zdravko Mamić, Serbian bastard” in the 45th.
In the 86th and 88th minute they abusively chant “Tovar pussies”, and in referee overtime “Zdravko Mamić, Serbian bastard”.
In the 59th minute the BBB throw a flashing object onto the field but it does not burn. In the 63rd and 70th minute they set off 2 signal flares, which fortunately do not injure the players or referee. In the 73rd minute, a rocket falls near the loge seats on the western stands. The police intervene and send additional forces to the BBB fans on the southern stands. After another rocket in the 76th minute, the police intervene with even more force, while both fan groups chant together: “Croatian police, bribery and corruption”.
We must note that the referee stopped the game in the 65th minute for a duration of 6-7 minutes.
We are right to ask the organisers, security service and police how it is possible for such a substantial amount of pyrotechnical devices to be brought into the stadium.

The match unfortunately ended on an ugly note both on the playing field with a confrontation and fight between players, and in the official loge seats as well. A confrontation took place in referee overtime between Hajduk Sports Director Mario Branco and Hajduk President Ivan Kos with a delegation from Dinamo – President Tomislav Svetina and Krešimir Antolić, Head of Security of GNK Dinamo.
Svetina commented on the game, while innerved Branco who is Portuguese and does not understand Croatian, stood up and got in Tomislav Svetina’s face, waving around with his hands (Branco’s assistant Saša Bjelanović was sitting in between Svetina and Branco). Matej Škegro tried to prevent the conflict, and Ivan Kos who was sitting a few seats away hurried in, but was stopped by Antolić, thus avoiding another fight.
The police filed misdemeanour charges against all participants involved in the incident in the loge. 39 fans were also detained, and 36 are in the process of being charged, with some individuals charged for multiple offenses.

CHC observers were once again denied tickets for the stadium’s protected loge box seats which are needed to perform their professional duty as observers. This is a continuation of the conduct of Hajduk’s Management Board President, Ivan Kos, from December 2016, when he began distancing CHC observers and telling me personally that it was due to the content of our reports with which he is unsatisfied. This is evident also from the open letter to Slobodna Dalmacija of Dec. 2, 2016 as reported by Sportske Novosti. “Kos never presented any document or argument to prove the claims, and express his dissatisfaction with the facts recorded in our reports, and thus his own self-willed decision is based on his own viewpoint, wherein which he introduced the practice of a verbal delict. The CHC cannot, must not, and will never accept such self-willed measures, given that numerous members of the CHC were pioneers in the fight against verbal delicts during the communist dictatorship.

This time, just as with the game against Cibalia, the President of the Committee who has a 100% disability status, was offered a seat in the first row of the B-Loge located in the 33rd row of the stadium. The CHC managed to record data from the game in their own way, while Ivan Kos, the self-proclaimed expert on verbal delicts in football, tried to physically intervene this time and prevent the freedom of cheering and chanting. His overall action towards our observers, as well as an attempted use of force confirms the well-known assumption that hooligans sit in the official loges.

The match between Rijeka – Osijek was held on 22.10.2017 at Rujevica Stadium in Rijeka before about 3000 spectators, of which there were roughly 400 members of the Armada (NK Rijeka fan club) positioned on the northern stands, and around 20 members of the Kohorta (NK Osijek fan club) on the south.
Before the start of the game, representatives of the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) took a banner away from Armada fans on which was written: “Fans get detention, prison, penalties and jail cells. Killers get syncope.” The banner alluded to the procedure towards fans at the stadium, and on the other hand towards Tomislav Horvatinčić, charged for killing two Italian tourists with his yacht, but was freed by the Šibenik Court due to his syncope condition.
The Armada fan group began with their offensive insults in the 4th minute: “Osijek pussies”, but then it ceased with its insults. Only at the end of the first half after a conflict on the bench in the 44th minute did they resume insulting their opponents by repeating “Osijek pussies”, and adding to it the insulting “Gypsy”, which they repeat again in referee overtime after the first half (45+1). In addition to this, we only noted “CFF faggots” in the 25th minute.

For the CHC:

Ivan Zvonimir Čičak